KA229 Fostering Entrepreneurship
through Multicultural Exchange
Estonia - Luxembourg - Croatia - Romania

Latest news: 4th mobility
“Fostering Entrepreneurship through Multicultural Exchange” is a proposed Erasmus+ project under the leadership of the ECG – School of Business and Management in Luxembourg city, in collaboration with 3 other secondary schools, the Ekonomska i upravna skola in Split, Croatia, the Colegiul Economic Transilvania in Targu Mures, Romania, and the Kohlia Gümnaasium in Kohlia, Estonia.
The project will run from September 2020 until March 2023 and it will encompass 4 separate mobilities, involving a total of 72 pupils and 24 teachers between the ages of 15 and 19. The project grounds in the realisation that in recent years, member states have become increasingly aware of the crucial importance of entrepreneurship education in endowing young European citizens with the necessary skills to compete in an ever more challenging globalised world.
Yet, despite the abundance of excellent and highly diverse national initiatives in this field and the existence of pan-European parent organisations actively coordinating entrepreneurship
initiatives across different member states, practice-based collaboration schemes and direct curricular exchange between individual schools remain relatively scarce.
The proposed Erasmus+ project thus aims to present the 4 participant schools’ respective approaches in the field of entrepreneurship education, in an effort to generate a greater understanding of national specificities, as well as to hone and develop individual approaches through curricular exchange.
More specifically, entrepreneurship education will be explored from different national perspectives, with 4 separate though related foci for each mobility:
- Find an entrepreneurial idea – Kohila
- Networking and marketing in Entrepreneurship – Luxembourg
- Social entrepreneurship – Split
- Endurance in entrepreneurship – Targu Mures.
Yet, apart from stimulating exchange and generating long-term ties between institutions, the project also aims to foster a broader spirit of openness among teachers and pupils for entrepreneurship. Beyond such immediate goals, by favouring intercultural exchange, it also aims to impart a greater understanding of core EU values such as multiculturalism,
tolerance and cooperation.
Although each participant country will make an effort to focus on national specificities whilst organising their country visit, a series of core activities and shared methodological approaches to be followed in each case have been defined, in an effort guarantee the overall coherence of the project.
Hence, some planned activities for each mobility may include:
- visits of partner companies and institutions (communes, organisations promoting
Entrepreneurship; national and European institutions);
- meetings with young entrepreneurs; presentation and/or joint assessment of participant schools’ training companies, school companies or mini companies, presentation of best practice examples, creating links with participant countries’ real-life economies;
- visits of cultural and natural heritage sites;
- international workshops on the chosen focal points for each mobility;
- workshops to develop specific entrepreneurial skills or soft skills (social media, personal finance, ICT…etc.)