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ROMANIA - Targu Mures

Colegiul Economic Transilvania

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“Transilvania” College of Economics in Targu Mures is a technological high school specializing in accountancy, tourism, commerce and catering/ public alimentation, in both high school and professional classes. It is an educational institution with a number of about 820 students and 55 teachers in both general study and technological courses, founded in 1907.

Our formal education training aims at complying with the European requirements and standards in the field of education by implementing the latest ideas and work methods in developing professional, personal and social competence and skills. In this respect, our school has been developing programmes and projects to increase the quality of the education with our students, to raise attractiveness by cultural, sportive and entrepreneurial activities, to attract funds and sponsorships to support our activity, to create a good environment for personal and professional development to both teachers and students. We are the only school in Mures county specialized in services, covering all these specializations.

Our school’s strong point is that we have been preparing the work force in the field of services for more than 100 years, which clearly states our tradition and professional competence of our teachers in the field of entrepreneurship education. In this respect, one of the projects that highly contribute to the development of this competence is the “Training Firm” concept which has been applied as a teaching method for almost 20  years. The major objective is to make students aware of how to develop their own business, thus becoming aware of all the aspects that running a business may imply. It is a student-based teaching method which focuses on recreating the business environment virtually, but students take on the roles of real-life businessmen.

Our field of expertise is:

 - preparing students in the professional fields of accountancy, tourism, commerce and public alimentation

 - training in the field of services as a technician/ qualified work force level  2, 3, 4

 - elaborating short and medium term strategies in developing the general and specific competence and skills in cognitive acquisition and personal progress

-  the use of the Professional Performance standards (PPS) in evaluating the professional competence in all fields of activity

- resource center for Training Firms in The Center Region (the counties of Mures, Harghita, Covasna, Alba, Sibiu, Brasov)

- innovative, practical teaching- learning-evaluation methods in entrepreneurship: the 10th grade Student-Company, the 11th grade Training firms, the 12th grade Money Sense

- developing transdisciplinary competence through PE classes, such "risk taking", responsability and on-time task solving.


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