KA229 Fostering Entrepreneurship
through Multicultural Exchange
Estonia - Luxembourg - Croatia - Romania

Networking and marketing in Entrepreneurship
21-mar-2022 - 25-mar-2022

21. 3. 2022. Monday (1st day)
Day of arrival
22. 3. 2022. Tuesday (2nd day)
morning activities in our school:
- introduction, presentation of our School and our networking
- formation of 6 groups of pupils
- the young entrepreneur (member of Young Achievments)
will visit us and explain and illustrate their activities
12h15 we eat in school
afternoon - Visit of a brewery
(please wear shoes without heels)
23. 3. 2022. Wednesday (3rd day)
- visit of the Stock exchange
Luxembourg (green bonds)
12h15 we eat in Luxembourg City
- visit of house of startup
- guided tour in Luxemboug City
(end at 18:30)
24. 3. 2022. Thursday (4th day)
morning activities in the school:
- one group of pupils prepare a video of the activities
- 5 groups of pupils prepare a PPT with the reflexion how to
organize the marketing of one product they developed in Kohila
- presentation of each group (end at about 12)
11h30 or 12h, you organize your eating
afternoon leasure time
evening 18h - 21h
- goodbye dinner in Luxembour City
25. 3. 2022. Friday (5th day)
Day of departure